My Story

I'm originally from the suburbs of New York City and moved to San Diego, California in 2005 because I realized that I could no longer function in temperatures below 75 degrees. How I survived on the east coast for so many years, I have no idea!

This hat just about saved me a few NYC winters ago

I've been interested in health and wellness since middle school, where my pastimes included journaling, flipping through all the books in the Self Help aisle of bookstores, and figuring out why I felt moody and depressed all the time
Then came high school, college, and my 20s where I experienced fun health challenges like binge eating, sugar addiction, and acid reflux. I finally decided that I needed to make a change.

In 2008, I experienced for myself the powerful and direct impact that food had on my mood and energy (Sugar = Sad & Lethargic Emily, Green Smoothies = Happy & Energized Emily) and digestion (Protein Bars = Constipated Emily, Fruits/Veggies/Nuts/Seeds = Queen of Digestion).

At this point, I knew I was onto something so in 2009, I enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to learn even more about nutrition and "as a bonus, maybe I'll get a career out this!" It was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Read more about my experience here.

Then in 2012, I stepped majorly outside of my comfort zone and with no real plan, took a leap of faith and quit my full-time corporate job of 6 years to do one-on-one health coaching as well as create and run my signature Reboot & Reset Your Body Guided Group Cleanse.

There were many aspects of being a full-time entrepreneur that I loved, but 2 years into it I felt called to go back to the corporate world.

These days I'm enjoying my day job while working on Embrace True Health in the evenings and weekends. If you're in cubicle-land as well, stay tuned because I'm currently creating all sorts of resources with you in mind for how to implement and maintain healthy habits during your 9-5.

When I'm not in the office at my day job and not at home working on my site, you can find me running at the beach, speed-walking at sunset, playing in the kitchen, singing in the car, getting my hot yoga on, trying out one of San Diego's many healthy restaurants, drinking caffeine-free tea, listening to podcasts, immersed in my latest audiobook, or taking amateur pictures of my food