Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

As the proud owner of a new juicer (as of May 28th!) and a fan of health documentaries, I couldn't wait to check out Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead. I received my copy of the DVD last week and finally watched it tonight. LOVED IT!

We follow 41 year old, 310 lb Australian Joe Cross as he embarks on a 60-day juice fast and witness his miraculous transformation. We see how he inspires 420 lb Iowa truck driver, Phil Staples, to take control of his life and do the same.

By nourishing their bodies with the nutrients they need and by conquering their addiction to the foods that were killing them, both men lost a tremendous amount of weight and successfully got off of (or reduced) their prescription medications for the same rare autoimmune disease they were suffering from. Even better, their quality of life was significantly improved, as was their mental outlook, energy levels, and overall sense of well-being.

Watch the Trailer:

Joe starts his journey in New York and drives across the country, meeting and interviewing different folks about all sorts of things, from how long they think they'll live (I was shocked at the number of people who said 45, 50, 55 years old) to whether or not they'd partake in a juice fast (some version of "No way" and "You're crazy" was the overwhelming response).

[Bonus: I was pleasantly surprised to see Dr. Joel Fuhrman, the author of one of my favorite books Eat to Live and one of few medical doctors who considers natural treatments over prescription medications, featured in this film.]

According to the movie, the average Americans eats the following percentage of calories:

  • 60% Processed Foods

  • 30% Meat

  • 5% Whole Grains and White Potatoes

  • 5% Fruits and Vegetables

No wonder we have one of the sickest nations in the country! The secret to radiant health is in fruits and veggies!

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