What do “Healthy Eaters” Eat? (Part 2 of 3)

Welcome to Part 2 of my "What do 'Healthy Eaters' Eat?" Series!

My intention with this series of posts is to show you that there are many different ways to “eat healthy” and to shatter the myth that there’s only one way of eating for everyone.

You won't find any talk about calorie-counting, dieting, or deprivation here. Keep reading to see how these busy gals stay healthy and keep things simple.

Today I introduce to you Ciara Burton and Amanda Hayes, two inspirational gals I had the pleasure of meeting through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition!

Ciara Burton


What do you eat on a typical day?

Typically, I eat a mix of vegetables and protein from high quality animal sources. I make healthy fats a priority too. Avocados, walnuts, coconut oil and fresh ground peanut and almond butter are my favorites! I often add in potatoes too. I especially love sweet potatoes because they help me keep my sugar cravings under control and they taste delicious in my Sweet Potato Turkey Hash dish.

What's your favorite meal or snack? (Feel free to include a recipe)

My favorite snacks are simple snacks. When I'm hungry in between meals my body is usually asking for something salty or sweet. Here are my go-to's - an apple with peanut butter, a green smoothie, or homemade guacamole with garlic, salt and red pepper sticks.

Mid-Day "Cut the Cravings" Green Smoothie Recipe

Blend a frozen banana, 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, a handful of mild leafy greens, 1 tsp vanilla extract and a few dashes of cinnamon. Add in 1 scoop of an unflavored protein powder of your choice at the very end. Blend for 10 seconds. Voila!

Do you have any indulgences or vices?

Dark Chocolate

Where can we find you?


Amanda Hayes


What do you eat on a typical day?

No day is the same for me! Right now, I manage two businesses and I'm constantly on the road. Some days, I'm in my car between appointments and meetings anywhere from 4-5 hours. What I've learned and what I constantly share with my clients is that preparation is key. Being on the road or traveling for work are never excuses to eat poorly. It may take more time to prepare on the front end, but the benefits you will experience - both mental and physical - by keeping with your normal diet and feeling great because of it are always worth it.

Here's a glimpse into my daily diet:

Breakfast: I typically start the day with a green juice or green smoothie. This alkalizes my system and gives me sustainable energy. If I make a smoothie  it will typically hold me off until lunch. Other times - especially if I'm planning a mid-day workout, I have a slice of Ezekiel bread with almond butter and raw honey or banana slices.

Lunch: If I'm on the road for an extended period during the day, I will eat a more substantial breakfast and have a green smoothie for lunch. If this is the case, I always make sure the ingredients are high quality and will fill me up while providing ample nutrients. Typically, my "meal" green smoothie has as many as 500 calories! You can't be afraid of calories, which is why I never - ever - tell my clients to count them.

Otherwise, I have a big green salad with mixed veggies and protein - either homemade tuna, leftover chicken, tempeh bacon strips, etc.

Snacks: I enjoy bars, but you have to be careful of the quality. Most of them out there are full of no-no ingredients (think GMOs!). If you'd like to check it out, I did a video on my favorite bar options here. I like Amazing Grass, GoodOnYa Bars, and Pure Bars. Another go-to snack option is homemade trail mix with almonds, cocoa nibs and goji berries.

Dinner: I eat out quite a bit, but I live in an area that offers local and organic produce/meats at our restaurants. I also love to cook. I always have a green with dinner (think kale with EVOO and lemon) and protein (wild salmon, mahi mahi, tempeh, grass-fed ground beef, etc.). I'm kind of a "throw it together and see how it tastes" person. I don't follow recipes. I'm kind of Rachel Ray-esque in that way.

What’s your favorite meal or snack? (Feel free to include a recipe)

I know most people may think I'm crazy, but I LOVE green smoothies! There are thousands of ways to make them, they taste delicious, and they are super nutritious. It's difficult to combine all of that into one meal/snack. Here is one of my favorite recipes:

"She's got that glow" Green Smoothie

  • 1 ½ cups water

  • ½ head organic kale, omitting the stems

  • 1 cup organic spinach

  • 1 organic green apple, cored and chopped

  • 1 banana

  • ¼ avocado

  • Juice of ½ a lemon or lime

Blend and enjoy.

Do you have any indulgences or vices?

Of course. And I totally cave to them. Think about the last time you deprived yourself of something...my guess is post-deprivation you ended up overdoing it the next day to compensate for what you gave up. This leads to an unhealthy relationship and mindset towards food, which so many of us have struggled with at some point in life, myself included. "Vices" are great and you should have them! Being perfect is overrated. There's always a healthy alternative for what you love. For me, I enjoy ice cream (coconut based), pizza (Amy's organics), anything Italian, chocolate, and beer (the dark, heavy ones!). Just to name a few :)

Where can we find you?


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Check out Part 1 and Part 3 for more "healthy eater" interviews!