Healthy Potlucks & Raw Detox Prep

Not your average potluck

Tonight I'm going to a vegetarian/gluten-free potluck and I am excited! 

Every couple of months, about 8-10 of my friends get together for a healthy "Rawluck"...that is, a potluck where everyone has to bring a raw dish. That's right, raw. Uncooked. No meat, no grains, no cheese. No ovens or microwaves present. 

With the help of raw food blogs, cookbooks, and individual creativity, our rawlucks have been a success.  We've had everything from Raw Chocolate Pudding to Raw Moo Shu to Raw Caramel Apple Dip. 

We all have a great time trying new foods and enjoying each others' company.  This time around, we decided to "let loose" and be more lenient in our food selections...after all, it is a Friday night :-)  So our Rawluck this month is going to be a healthy potluck with items that are either vegetarian, vegan, and/or gluten-free.  I decided to bring a couple of appetizers: Jicama Fries and Guacamole.  I can't wait to try everyone else's creations!

Detoxing inside and out

Two nights ago, I detoxified my closet. I managed to fill up two bags of clothes that I haven't worn in years.  I felt like a weight had been lifted and I'm excited to go shopping for new clothes that I'll actually wear. 

When's the last time you've cleaned out your closet?

In keeping with the theme of "cleaning house", I've decided to embark on a 4 Day Raw Food Detox starting tomorrow. I will be eating nothing but fruits and vegetables from tomorrow through Tuesday and I am psyched!

These last few months, I've been doing some food experiments where I've been eating more meat and eggs (both organic, free-range, hormone-free, antibiotic-free), and less grains than usual.

I've been eating plenty of raw fruits and veggies in the form of green smoothies and big salads, but I've noticed that I've been feeling out of balance lately.  It could be from a number of things, but what I do know is that this detox couldn't have come at a better time.

I look forward to sharing my experience with you in my blog.